Working at a software company can sometimes leave some of our family members not 100% sure of what we do. Heck sometimes when we’re asked what we do it may be hard to describe. While we’re all spending more time at home, we thought it might be fun to see what our families think we do.
Andrew Wong, Enterprise Account Executive

What Andrew does according to his sister, brother, and mom:
Katy (sister): “Hmmm. I think you do b2b sales for an app development company?”
Andrew: “That was my last job”
Katy: “Knife sales?”
...she’s got the sales part down!
Ben (brother): “Provide a customizable templating solution for email marketing to enable brands to maintain consistent image uniformity and professional presentation while still being accessible to use by non coders.”
…well that is right on the money. Ben, are you looking for a job?
Ann (mom): “Selling an email development product that offers brand consistency on an easy-to-use platform…or knife sales.”
…she got it — what he does and the key to a great joke; circling it back.
Tom Cobb, Sales Development Representative
What Tom does according to his sisters and mom:
Jen (sister): “Help businesses streamline their email marketing management?”
…not bad, but not too surprising, she’s in marketing.
Michele (sister): “I’d have to know first what a stensul is *shrug* lol”
Tom: “It’s similar to a stencil but for email marketing. Gimme your best shot!”
Michele: “I’m going to say it’s a template that includes lead magnets to get people to email you back….?”
…“A” for effort, Michele.
Alright, let’s see if his mom can save the Cobb legacy here…
Sue (mom): “I don’t even know what the company I work for does.”
…*face palm*
Paige Remington, Customer Enablement:

What Paige does according to her brother, mom, cousin, and best friend:
John (brother): “My sister assures the code quality of emails programmed to go out to thousands and thousands of people in a number of different languages at a number of different times across the globe. Unless that shifted with her new gig…”
…not bad!
Katy (mom): “Unfortunately, I didn’t update my personal folder on your new job, so I can try to explain what you do, if, (God forbid), someone asks. But! I remember words like “Gaba” (you’re experienced in this?), “email campaigns”? and “expert customer service”? …”
…pretty sure she was referring to “Gamma” (an email campaign management platform) – not “Gaba”, but A for effort.
Max (cousin): “You write emails, right? And send them to people that use Google? I know it’s something to do with email…”
…he’s about 20% there, it does have to do with email.
Morgan (best friend): “I know you’re not a project manager anymore, and it took me 3 years to somewhat understand what you did for your last job, so I’m gonna have to plead the 5th on this one.”
…at least she was honest!
Sophia Reji, Sales Development Representative:
What Sophia does according to her dad, mom, and sister:
Reji (dad): “I don’t interfere with someone else’s business…”
…translation: he has no idea.
Sara (mom): “I know! Your company’s name is stensul and it’s an email creation platform!”
...well done Mom!
Shaina (sister): “oooooooooooo…You help people send emails? Lolololol”
…close enough!
Mackenzie Meyer, Marketing Manager:

What Mackenzie does according to her dad, mom, and fiancé:
Derek (dad): “Dad is clueless here. Was this meant for me?”
…yes dad, yes it was.
Vanessa (mom): “I think you set up events that companies will come to and learn about stensul and hopefully become clients. You bring people in and then the sales force needs to ‘sell them’ on stensul. I think stensul is a software company that can help you quickly get information out to those who need it… How did I do?”
…pretty darn good mom, pretty darn good.
Jason (fiancé): “Mass email templates.”
...he’s a man of few words.
Sarah Marcoux, Chief of Staff to the CEO
What Sarah does according to her sister.
Colleen (sister): “I don’t know but it’s something with emails and sloths and you guys spell stencil wrong.”
…I mean, she’s not wrong.
Tim Dorris, VP of Sales:
What Tim does according to his 3-year-old daughter.
Harper (daughter): “You work. You have a computer. You have meetings.”
…100% right Harper.
If you’re feeling inspired, ask your family and see what they say. (And make sure to tag us when you share it!)