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How can email designers find more time to design?

The main reason designers can’t spend as much time on design as they want is an inefficient email creation process. An efficient process brings all involved in creating a marketing asset into a single, collaborative environment. Learn how the Stensul Marketing Creation Platform™ can reduce creation time by up to 90%, freeing up more time for creativity.
male graphics designer at computer

There are days when you spend the least amount of your time designing emails as an email designer.

All too often, you correct errors made by others. Those people break something in the ESP/MAP because they’re under-trained on how best to use the email builder in that platform. 

Then there’s the thankless role of being one of your company’s logo cops. Policing brand compliance is never fun, and neither is redoing emails that use the wrong font, color palette, or brand mark. That job eats up loads of time.

This blog post explains why that’s the case and what you and your creative operation can do about it.

Design efficiently

The main reason you can’t spend as much time on design matters is the inefficient creation process you’re saddled with.

If you’re struggling with a design-to-code process, you’re likely spending more time troubleshooting code issues than designing. Even with a template & module process, the clock will tick away as you repair broken templates—instead of more creative pursuits. And while in that time bind, you may forget to check to see if things like alt text and links are correct. 

Because those two approaches to creation mean emails and landing pages are built in your organization’s ESP/MAP, you need to wait for production to produce a proof before you see what your design will actually look like. 

Time was lost waiting, and then time was consumed with the inevitable back-and-forth to get the proof right, even if it takes 14 versions to get there—which takes lots of time. 

An efficient creation process gives you back the time those other methods take away. You’re able to think more about your design and create better emails. Here’s how to do it:

Be on-brand always

There’s no need to scrutinize every email to see if it uses the right font for the headline, the correct color palette, or follows just about any aspect of your corporate branding guidelines. The robust, programmable guardrails in an efficient process let you set hundreds of procedures and permissions. 

Distribute creation, control centrally

Rather than being the only group able to create emails and landing pages, an efficient creation process lets people without design or technical skills produce production-ready marketing assets quickly and easily. 

With its expansive guardrails, an efficient process means even creation novices can produce quality assets because it takes a no-code approach, meaning if someone can drag and drop, they can create. Preset templates and modules, reflecting the established guardrails, ensure your company’s emails are of consistent quality and, of course, on-brand all the time, 

Further, an efficient process lets you determine who has access and what they can and cannot do. 

Beyond the guardrails and permissioning, you can arrange the process so your core team can review it before an email is uploaded to your deployment platform.

Get approvals faster

One frequently cited reason for most companies taking as much as eight weeks—or more—to get a single email out the door was their inefficient review and approval process. Too often, people review the wrong or an outdated version of an email proof, make changes they are not authorized to do so, and rout the result in what could be best described as an haphazard way.

An efficient process brings all involved in creating a marketing asset into a single, collaborative environment. An email can move quickly through a higher-quality review with fewer touchpoints. The guardrails come into play again in things like logo usage, required footer copy, and more, removing the need to review such elements.

The result is emails are approved faster, allowing you to meet SLAs and optimized market opportunities.

To learn more about efficient email creation, download the eBook, 11 things you can do when it takes less time to create emails. It’s from Stensul, the Marketing Creation Platform™. It’s reduced creation time by up to 90% for companies like yours. 

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