From the first spark of an idea to the final email being blasted out to your database, how long does it take you to generate an email?
A few days? A few weeks? Most enterprise marketers would say it takes a few weeks, and that’s directly because of the reasons below.
Inefficient, manual processes

The normal email lifecycle goes something like this:
- Come up with email campaign idea
- Write brief
- Copywriter (or marketer) writes the copy
- Multiple people review and provide feedback
- Email marketer updates copy accordingly (this can escalate into multiple rounds)
- Designer designs the email
- Multiple people review and provide feedback
- Designer updates the designs accordingly (this can escalate into multiple rounds)
- Developer codes email
- Developer and designer go back and forth over design elements that don’t fit with the coding
- QA through software such as Litmus or Email on Acid
- Multiple people review and provide feedback
- Developer updates the code accordingly (this can escalate into multiple rounds)
- A range of other people throughout the company provide feedback
- Back to square one
Tired yet?
This neverending back and forth drains not just your energy but the budget and resources of your organization.
It’s clear that the traditional email building process needs to be streamlined, which is why stensul was born.
In a nutshell, an email generation platform like ours allows marketers—without any technical knowledge—to easily generate perfect, on-brand emails in minutes.
Coding and testing, rinse and repeat

It’s a tale as old as time.
You make one tiny change to an email, and suddenly the code is out of whack and your email is appearing completely differently in one email platform compared to another.
You then have to sort through the coding and manually figure out what broke and how to fix it. All on a rudimentary understanding of coding, you’re a marketer not a tech whiz after all.
Then, someone else requests a change and the whole process starts all over again.
Avoid the rinse and repeat and utilize email modules. In the stensul email generation platform, we preconfigure your brand guidelines into the platform and create modules that are custom to your brand aesthetic.
This means that all the coding and QA has already been done for you when we created the modules, and you can make these changes to your email without the fear of breaking the email. Imagine that!
Too many cooks in the kitchen

It’s no wonder your marketing department feels like a hothouse waiting to explode. There’s too many cooks in your proverbial kitchen!
From the various people in your marketing team to the CMO and the dizzying array of legal professionals and executives, there’s apparently a lot of people that need to review your email.
This results in multiple rounds of feedback (usually not consolidated, because that would be too easy) and an overly complex approvals process.
Chasing people for feedback, sorting through the confusing feedback they eventually give you, and seeking final approvals all cause massive delays in your email process.
If all of the above sounds like you, and you’re ready to try something new, request your personalized demo today.