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Email builder for Eloqua.
Stensul integration pushes HTML to Oracle Eloqua using a secure API, so you can create more without the typical back-and-forth

How the Stensul and Eloqua integration works

Eloqua is a marketing automation platform from Oracle that offers campaign design, advanced lead scoring, real-time firmographic data, and integrated sales tools. This power brings complexity with it, meaning email creation in the platform is not for everyone. The comprehensive Stensul bidirectional integration with Eloqua simplifies the email creation process, so people can build emails in Stensul and send via Eloqua. Even novice email creators can use the Stensul Email Creation Platform™ with its easy to use drag & drop capability to create on-brand, mobile responsive, inbox-tested, and compliant emails. Email creators can then push their emails to Eloqua in a single click.

  • Collaborate and create your email in Stensul with Eloqua customized features, including
  • Finish the email after review and approval in Stensul or in a separate workflow tool
  • Upload HTML to Eloqua folders and groups, including
    • Subject Line
    • Pre-header text
    • From and Reply-To values
  • Use a secure API upload of HTML to Eloqua
Stensul integrates with Oracle Eloqua to send HTML via secure API

Learn more to create better emails

Check out our Eloqua Resource Center and read about how Oracle sees the Stensul Email Creation Platform as #3 in a list of ways to add more to your loyalty marketing program.

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