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Import Liveclicker dynamic content into your email creation process without the hassle of copy and paste

How the Stensul and Liveclicker integration works

Liveclicker is a popular platform to create dynamic and customized image content for emails. The Stensul and Liveclicker integration allows Liveclicker campaigns to be easily pulled into the Stensul Email Builder as a module, reducing the previous hassle and possibility of error when copy-pasting Liveclicker-generated embed code.

Modules can be prepared in Stensul Studio that are then connected to Liveclicker, where users can refresh and preview the full Liveclicker experience as they create emails in Stensul for a seamless email creation experience.

  • Create Module with Liveclicker content in Stensul
  • Connect the Module to Liveclicker code
  • Preview Liveclicker experience in Stensul during creation, review, and approval
  • Liveclicker code is automatically included in Stensul HTML code
  • Secure OAuth 2.0 connection
Stensul's' Liveclicker integration brings live and dynamic content into Stensul emails

Learn more to create better

Ideas to make you a better email creator.

Learn about the Stensul and Liveclicker partnership.

Learn about the importance of great email design experiences.
